A human body is one of the most complex systems in the entire world and to make sure it runs at its optimal capabilities one should have a good immune system. There are many super herbs that should be a staple in your kitchen as some of these herbs are even said to have healing capabilities.
The White Blood Cells (WBCs) in our body, or also called the immune system of the body are always busy fighting for the health of the human body.
Kudrati Ayurveda Health Ayurved Health Center’s Founder, Mohamad Yusuf N Shaikh says “As per ancient Ayurvedic texts, strong immunity is the foundation of healthy living. Immunity protects the body against all external and internal agents of diseases.
But maintaining an ideal level of immunity (ojas) is not that easy. It can be achieved by following a healthy lifestyle. Ayurveda focuses on strengthening immunity through a balanced lifestyle and recommends the consumption of a few herbs,”.
Building ones’ immune system is no rocket science, in fact, it is very easy, and more often than not the answer is there in your kitchen. The healthy herbs and spices that you feed your body help the WBCs by boosting their fighting power.
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Before we take a look t the list of these super herbs, let us first see the prerequisites that you should follow not just for a stronger immune system, but also for a healthy life.
The importance of sleep is often looked over. For someone who wants a stronger immune system, sleep is essential. There have been studies which showed that animals which were sleep-deprived had a compromised immune system. According to Harvard, a person between the age of 18 and 64 should get an average sleep of 7-9 hours while kids needing more than this.
In the olden times as people say it, life was slow, and much more relaxed compared to the times we live in now. Excess stress depletes the immune system of a human body, if the stress in your life is persistent, then you should take a break and see how to tackle the situation(s). Yoga is said to dissipate tension, increases fluidity throughout the tissues, and also clear stagnation.
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List Of Top 8 Super Herbs To Strong Your Immune System
Now coming to the super herbs list, we have 8 herbs and food items that you should add to the kitchen as they have huge benefits tagged with them. So without further ado, let us take a look at them.
1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a staple of Indian homes when it comes to cooking, and who have not heard “drink Haldi wala doodh” for almost every physical and body illness. Turmeric (Haldi) contains Curcumin which has anti-oxidant properties. Turmeric is also anti-microbial which means that not only it fight bacterial but also viral infections. Turmeric is also anti-inflammatory in nature, which helps to control the inflammation by stimulating the adrenal glands to increase the hormone which decreases the inflammation, making it a super herb.
2. Garlic

Garlic is amongst those healthy herbs and spices which have had a long history of medicinal value in Ayurveda. Not only Garlic is anti-microbial like Turmeric, but it has cardiovascular and antineoplastic properties which help prevent and halt the development of various types of tumours. So keep the Garlic close like a Vampire apocalypse is on its way.
3. Basil (Tulsi)

Though there are many Basils around the globe, the most famous one, thanks to the Italians, is the Italian Basil. However, India has its very own Basil called Tulsi (Tulsee). Tulsi, in India, is considered holy owing to its myriad healing properties. What makes Basil a super herb are a powerful adaptogen including the relaxation during the periods of stress. Basil is also considered to be a healing herb given it could be used for headaches, common cold, skin disorder, stomach disorder, dental problems and even fever. It is said that Tulsi is so powerful that just even inhaling has healing effects.
4. Ginger

Another super herb that you must put in to daily use is Ginger, as it is a powerful antihistamine which fights allergies, also Ginger is said to have decongestant properties which help fight against the cold as well. This pungent root also helps in eradicating the toxins from the organs after breaking them down. Try adding ginger and lemon to lukewarm water and drink it daily, to see visible results.
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5. Black Pepper

6. Honey

Just like Turmeric, Honey, too, is anti-microbial in nature, so it can fight both viral and bacterial infections. Honey not only helps in lowering the blood pressure but also improve Cholesterol in the body. When combined with Turmeric, Honey become an even more potent medical necessity.
7. Ashwagandha

Another super herb comes as Ashwagandha which is widely recognised to boost the immune system as it is rich in lipids, amino acids, peptides, and the base of nucleic acid. If this is not enough, Ashwagandha is the Indian ginseng known for its anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties. This shrub is known to reduce blood sugar levels, reduce stress hormone and lower the cholesterol levels.
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8. Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers are sweet and crunchy which makes them loved by most of the Indian population, however not many know that they contain Carotenoid Lycopene which is said to lower the risk of certain cancer. Additionally, the Beta-carotene that these peppers contain gets broken down into Vitamin A and Zeaxanthin, known to prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. They are also rich in Vitamin C which increases the production of antibodies and WBC.
Remember, the immune system cannot be made overnight, it comes with a healthy lifestyle which is not restricted to healthy eating. Apart from that, one should also not underestimate the benefit of Sleep, Exercise, and Meditation. And remember, Stress is the biggest enemy of your immune system.Now that you know about the healthy herbs and spices, which one surprised you the most?