Coronavirus Outbreak: Symptoms And How To Stay Protected From The Virus

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Geeta Rai
Geeta Rai
An ethical vegetarian for the love of animals and a multi Tasker who can accomplish things at a fast pace. Love to cook and dream to travel the world one day. A keen observer of human personalitues and a fighter for the voiceless.

The Coronavirus which was detected in December 2019 in China has now spread in over 70 countries and have infected almost 1,00,000 people globally. Not just this, Coronavirus has claimed more than 3,000 lives till date.

Coming from China, the deadly virus has made Iran in Middle-East, Italy in Europe, and South Korea in Asia as its hotspots. As of Monday, Iran has reported 66 deaths owing to this virus, South Korea has reported 28 and Italy reported 52.

Countries have been issuing advisories to its people and have also imposed restrictions on travelling and public gatherings to contain the spread of this virus. Though India has not reported any deaths from the Coronavirus, there have been 6 confirmed cases which included an Italian national found positive in Rajasthan.

In the report Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), World Health Organisation (WHO) said that it seems the people who are over the age of 60 are more vulnerable to this virus, prominently who already have a compromised immune system due to other illnesses. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO said that nations should prepare themselves for a pandemic.

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Symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Muscle Pain
  • Coughing
  • Breathing Difficulties

Severe Symptoms

  • Pneumonia
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
  • Kidney Failure

Coronavirus or CoV starts with a fever which is followed by a dry cough and after a week of that people start experiencing shortness of breath which is caused by the infection. If you are facing this, visit a hospital immediately.

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People above the age of 60 years and those who are already going through a medical condition such as diabetes, asthma and heart diseases are at a greater risk of catching the Coronavirus.

How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus?

Coronavirus can be avoided by following basic hygiene habits. What makes Coronavirus deadly is that there are no antivirals for this virus particularly as of now. However, US pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer is testing an antiviral, but we do not know when it will hit the shelves. So until then, we need to follow the basic preventive measures to keep us away from harm’s way. As it is said, prevention is better than cure, so without further ado, let us take a look at them.

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Keep Your Hands Clean

Your hands touch everything that goes into your body, so keeping your hands clean comes first. On equal intervals wash your hands with soap or use a alcohol based solution to rub onto your hands. Make sure the hand wash is thorough.

Keep Your Hands Clean

Avoid Touching Open Wounds And Parts Of Your Body

In a time like this, the health experts are asserting that one should not touch any open wounds or as a matter of fact even the eyes, mouth or nose. According to experts, our hands can pick up viruses from several surfaces that we touch everyday like currency coins/ notes, tables, chairs, cutleries, and many more things. And touching our open body parts is like an open gate for the viruses and will enter the body to make you sick.

Maintain Distance

WHO is advising to keep at least a distance of 1 metre or 3.28 feet between yourself and a person who you see sneezing or coughing as a cough and sneeze contains small liquid droplets which may contain the virus. Getting too close can turn into you inhaling the droplets.

Practice Hygiene

Health agencies are saying that the droplets that are exposed to people while coughing and sneezing are spreading the virus. Following proper hygiene can reduce the chances of such thing substantially. One can cover his/ her mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing. Also, other hygiene practices that one must follow are disposing of your used cutleries and daily wear, washing hands before preparing and eating food, clean and disinfect public properties such as office chairs and tables.

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These are the basic habits that one must incorporate into his/ her life, and it will not only minimise the risk of coronavirus but a number of other infections and diseases.

In case you are ill from over a week, you must seek medical care without any delay. If you have a high fever, difficulty in breathing or are coughing you must visit your doctor or a hospital.

You should not go to crowded places if you are sick, staying home is advised.

Getting medical care at an early stage is always better, not only for you but also for your family members, friends and others. However, remember, the best this is prevention.

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