A Metaverse Wedding Reception Conducted By Tamil Nadu Couple

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Kumkum Pattnaik
Kumkum Pattnaik
Kumkum’s passion for serving quality content has been a constant motivator for her to pursue content writing. Having graduated in Finance, she has always been inclined towards garnering information on the several ways to make money online. This has driven her to explore the countless gaming platforms that exist online and ways to leverage them to earn real money. She has over a decade's experience penning down articles centred around online gaming, particularly fantasy cricket, rummy and pool.


  • Tamil Nadu couple Dinesh and Janaganandhini are to have their first metaverse wedding in February.
  • The virtual reception venue of their reception will be Hogwart themed since both of them are Potterheads.
  • Dinesh who works in the field of crypto and blockchain was the one to come up with the idea and his fiancé Janaganandhini was thrilled on hearing it.

A couple from Tamil Nadu Dinesh S P and Janaganandhini Ramaswamy will get married on the first Sunday of February and have a metaverse wedding reception ahead of it. Once the wedding ceremony culminates, both of them will switch on their laptops to visit the virtual venue of their reception which is designed along the Hogwarts theme. Friends and family members from across the world will be a part of the wedding.

Dinesh, a project associate with IIT Madras said that he was the one who originally came up with the idea of a metaverse reception and that his fiancée liked the idea too. Dinesh specialises in crypto and blockchain and has been working on ethereum which is a form of cryptocurrency for the past year. Since blockchain is the basic technology of metaverse, he made up his mind to have a metaverse reception when his marriage was fixed.  Metaverse is a 3D virtual reality world primarily focusing on social connection. Here users can live and interact with others via digital avatars. It entails a combination of multiple elements of technology viz. augmented reality, blockchain and virtual reality. Dinesh took to Twitter and shared a short glimpse of what can be expected out of India’s first metaverse marriage.

His fiancée, Janaganandhini was elated at the idea of a virtual reception. She said that since they had first met on Instagram, it would be perfect to have a reception on Meta.

Both Janaganandhini and Dinesh are Potterheads and therefore, their reception is centred around the Harry Potter universe. The digital avatars of the bride and groom will be wearing traditional clothes. The guests will be provided with login details where they can select their avatar and then enter the reception. During the hour-long reception, the guests will be able to interact with each other as well. To turn their dream into reality, this couple approached Vignesh Selvaraj from Tardiverse which is a blockchain-powered new generation mixed reality metaverse.

Aside from interacting with each other, guests will also be able to gift the bride and groom. Marriage gifts via vouchers, google play and cryptos are being accepted said Dinesh.

Would you fancy a wedding or reception like this? Tell us down in comments.

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