In a recent notification IIT Hyderabad non teaching Recruitment 2020, the institute is inviting eligible and interested candidates to fill 152 vacancies in non-teaching posts. According to the notification, IIT Hyderabad will not accept any submission of the application after 17th February 2020 at 5:00 PM (1700 Hours).
The application will be filled in online. Let us take a look at the details that will be necessary for applying for the jobs
IIT Hyderabad Non Teaching Recruitment 2020: Vacancy Details
In total there are 31 posts and there are reservations for different posts under different Categories, with Pay Level and Pay, and Age Limit. Check the table below.

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- * Vacancy for this post is anticipated from 1st May 2020, and there will be a contract for a period of 5 years.
- ** Category UR vacancy is against the post on which an individual holds “Lien”. If the individual joins back IIT (H), then the selected candidate will be reverted to the parent office and/or post previously held.
- *** The vacancies include two future vacancies which are expected up to 31st August 2020. The number of posts that actually get filled could be less, if future vacancies do not materialize.
- **** The vacancy includes future vacancies which are expected up to 31st March 2020. The number of posts that are actually filled could be less, if future vacancies do not materialize.
- ***** The vacancy includes one future vacancy which is expected up to 31st August 2020. The number of posts that actually get filled could be less, if future vacancies do not materialize.
PS: The Above Mentioned Age Should Not Exceed As Of The Last Date Of Application Submission i.e. 17th February, 2020.
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Full forms:

IIT Hyderabad Non Teaching Recruitment 2020: How To Apply
All the applications are supposed to be made online only, you can follow the steps here:
- Open IIT Hyderabad’s official website
- Click on “Careers” on the top right side of the webpage
- Under the “Staff” click on “22-Jan-2020 Advertisement No. IITH/2020/Rec/NF/8” which will redirect you to a new page
- On the new page, simply click on “Click Here”
- At the bottom of the page, you can click on “PLEASE CLICK HERE TO START THE APPLICATION PROCESS”.
You can also start your application process by clicking here.
Read all the instructions before starting with the process. before every column, instructions will be presented in front of you.
IIT Hyderabad Non Teaching Recruitment 2020: Selection Process
Selection for candidates applying for the post where Pay Level is 6 or lower will be done only via Written Test, and no interviews will be conducted for these candidates. However, Skills and Knowledge test may be conducted.
There will be Interviews conducted for all the other posts, with no written test. However, written/ Skill/ Knowledge tests may be conducted for to shortlist the candidates, but the marks scored will not hold weightage in the interview(s).
IIT Hyderabad Non Teaching Recruitment 2020: Instructions And Other Details
- Candidates will have to pay Rs. 100/- as application fee which will be non refundable. However, female candidates or candidates belonging to SC, ST, and PWD will be exempt from this fee.
- In case a candidate is applying for more than 1 post, he/ she will have to fill in separate application forms.
- Candidates will have to make the payment of application form via SBI Collect mode only. On the payment page, select Payment Category as “RECRUITMENT FEE – NF-8”.
- No TA/ DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing for Written Tests, however, for those who will be appearing for the interviews will be paid TA.
- For candidates belonging to SC/ ST category a relaxation of 5 years is given on age, for candidates from OBC, relaxation is of 3 years.
- There is 40% Relaxation for Persons with Disabilities and Ex-Servicemen.
For the Eligibility criteria of IIT Hyderabad Non Teaching Recruitment 2020 notification please click here.
You will also find all the other necessary details.