A sitcom which has almost 700 episodes and still counting
With 31 seasons and running, The Simpsons is one of the longest-running animated sitcoms in history. It has aired almost 700 episodes till now and more will comes, and throughout the course of these episodes, there have been many times Simpsons predicted future accurately. Here is a list of top 10 Simpsons predictions and Fox’s Simpsons have served as the foundation of modern comedy and have had many moments which manifested in real life.
We know that as a sitcom which has almost 700 episodes there will be predictions turning into reality, however, the things that Simpsons predicted which became a reality is astonishing. Little did the writers of the show know that what they pitched as jokes such as Trump becoming the president of the US, would become a reality.
Without further ado let us take a list at the things The Simpsons predicted.
PS: the list is in chronological order and does not rank from best to worse.
Top 10 Simpsons Predictions Which You Many Not Know Of
1. Fish With 3 Eyes – Season 2, Episode 4
In November of 1990 Simpsons showed a three-eyed fish which was used by major news publication, linked to commentary on the mutation caused by the nuclear waste. This is one of The Simpsons predictions which the writers did not want to come true.

However, this did come true when in 2011, 21 years later fishermen caught a three-eyes wolf fish in the reservoir which fed near the nuclear plant in Argentina.
2. Beatles Replying Fan Decades Later – Season 2, Episode 18
In April of 1991, Marge Simpson reveals that in her high school days she had sent Ringo Starr, who was the drummer for the famous UK band Beatles, a painting. After decades she finally gets a response from the drummer.
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This Simpsons prediction became a reality in 2013 when two women from Essex, UK received a reply from Sir Paul McCartney 50 years after they had sent a mixtape to the co-lead vocalist and bassist for the Beatles.
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3. Predicting The Super Bowls – Season 3, Episode 14
In January of 1992, The Simpsons aired a rather (American) football centric episode just a few days before the Super Bown XXVI where Lisa accurately predicts that Washington Redskins will win which they did 3 days after the episode was aired.

Not just this, the writer have had quite a success in predicting Super Bowls, like San Francisco 49ers will win over the favourites San Diego Chargers in Super Bown XXIX.
4. Roy and The White Tiger – Season 5, Episode 10
In a 1993’s episode of The Simpsons named $pringfield, Mr. Burns decided to build a casino in Springfield and with Vegas reference came Gunter and Ernst which were clearly a Siegfried and Roy analogue which ends when the white tiger attacks them.

This episode became one of the many where people could say “The Simpsons predict future” as 10 years later, in 2003, Roy was actually attacked by one of the white tigers during a live performance, he was lucky enough to only sustain injuries.
5. Joe Blow Goes Into Space – Season 5, Episode 15
In the episode aired in February of 1995, there were many things that people liked and a prediction was made which people just laughed off, however, people did not know that there was another Simpsons prediction became a reality in that episode called “Deep Space Homer”.
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In the episode, NASA decides to send an ordinary human to the space to increase the rating of the shuttle it launches. In 2013, the United Kingdom held a contest in which a normal person was turned into an astronaut. Though the contestant has to go through multiple interviews and various testing in Cape Canaveral, but hey, a prediction did come true.
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6. Smart Watches, Video Calls and More – Season 6, Episode 19
In March of 1995, Simpsons 19th episode of its 6th season was aired which was called “Lisa’s Wedding” was full of predictions which were too much to digest at that point of time. This episode of Simpsons predicted the future like none other. It did not predict 1 or 2 things but 3 things which actually came true.

Remember the episode aired in 1995, and it showed the use of Smart Watches which could be used to talk like a phone, which became a reality in 2013.
The episode also predicted Video Chats, as the style of communication in the entire episode is via a screen, not a phone.
Talking about the things The Simpsons predicted, in the same episode, people can see a shot of the Big Ben, in London with the joke thrown that it has a digital face now, however, if you look closely at the left side you would see a rather weird building which does not match the skyline of 1995’s London. In 2012, The famous building “The Shard” was completed which not only share the design of the structure from the episode but also the placement in comparison to the Big Ben.
7. Disney Buys Fox – Season 10, Episode 5
On 8th November 1998, The Simpsons aired an episode which had details which people did not pay much details to and some who did laughed it off. The episode, in 1998, showed 20th Century Fox is a “Division of Walt Disney Co”.

This is one of the most farfetched things which turned into reality, the writers and the whole team would have been astonished seeing this, The Simpsons predicting the future once again. In March 2019, Disney completed a $ 71.3 billion acquisition deal of the 21st Century Fox’s film and TV assets which also included 20th Century Fox film and television studios and much more.
8. Donald Trump The President – Season 11, Episode 17
In the 17th episode of the 11th season of The Simpsons, we see that Lisa has become the president of the United States of America and in a cabinet meeting, she mentioned, “we inherited quite the budget crunch from President Trump”.
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It was the reference to Lisa becoming the President of the US taking over Trump who had, apparently, ruined the economy of the country. This was one of the things The Simpsons predicted which even the creators of the show found funny as in the episode which aired a week after the election, the recurring chalkboard gag read “Being right sucks.”
9. Faulty Voting Machine – Season 20, Episode 4
In an episode which aired in 2008 which revolved around the presidential election, Homer goes into a booth where he attempts for Barack Obama however the computerised machines counted it for John McCain.

Little did people know that this would be yet another one of the things The Simpsons predicted well before then time, 4 years earlier. In 2012, a video which went viral showed that a voting booth in Pennsylvania did the same thing where a person cast the vote for Obama but it went to Mitt Romney instead.
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10. 2016 Nobel Prize Winner – Season 22, Episode 1
In the very first episode of the season 22 which aired in September of 2010, we saw visual reference which only the most observant of the lot could see. In the episode, Lisa and her friends logged a sheet of predictions for the Nobel Prize announcements.
In the episode, though Milhouse lost the prediction that Bengt R. Holmstrom would win in economics, little did we know that in 2016 Holstrom would end by winning the Nobel Prize for his work in Economics. Talk about Simpsons predicting the future.

These were the list of 10 best Simpsons predictions which you may not have heard of. In all honesty, we know there are far too many instances where the things The Simpsons predicted actually manifested in real life, but for us, these were the best.
If you think there are some other predictions which deserve to be on the list, do tell us down in comments with the reason, we may actually change the list if you present a valid case.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question 1: Are The Simpsons ending in 2020?
Answer 1: No, The Simpsons are not ending as the animated sitcom, however, the 31st season of the successful sitcom did end on the 17th of May 2020. The Simpsons are famous for the things it predicted which came true apart from modern comedy.
Question 2: What does Bart ti the Future predict?
Answer 2: The episode made one of the bizarre things The Simpsons predicted in all of its 31 seasons. In this episode, the sitcom predicts that Donald Trump, the US based billionaire, has become the president of the US. 16 years before The Simpsons predicted that Donal Trump would become the president of the US.
Question 3: Who created The Simpsons?
Answer 3: Matt Groening is the creator of the successful and famous animated sitcom The Simpsons. He created it for the Fox Broadcasting Company and its first episode aired on 17th December 1989. The show is credited with predicting the future accurately in many instances.