Dhanteras Shopping: What You Should Buy This Dhanteras According To Your Zodiac Sign

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Shivani Singh
Shivani Singh
Shivani has been an avid reader of newspapers since her childhood and likes to know what is happening around the world. Her love for news and bringing forth the absolute is what drove her writing for the people. She has worked in the industry for over 4 years and believes that people’s basic rights should always be honoured. Apart from reading, she is a foodie and loves to try her hands-on cooking different cuisines.


  • Dhanteras, the festival of wealth, will be celebrated on the 13th of November
  • Dhanteras is an auspicious day and people buy new things including ornaments
  • See what you may want to buy as per your Zodiac signs

Dhanteras, the festival of wealth, will be celebrated on the 13th of November this year and is considered as one of the most auspicious days in the Indian culture when people buy new things. Generally, Dhantears is known for buying gold and other ornaments as it is widely considered an auspicious day to worship for wealth and health.

We all have fond memories of our childhood when we would explore the markets on Dhanteras to buy something for the home irrespective of the price and if it is luxurious or not. However, do you know what you should be buying on Dhanteras as per your Zodiac sign which can help reap good benefits for you in the long run when compared to buying random items?

Let us look at a few things you can buy this Dhanteras as per your Zodiac Sign

  • Aries (मेष): People born between 21st of March and 20th of April are of Aries zodiac and the lord planet of Aries is Mars. People born in this period will reap benefits if they buy electronics goods, instruments on Dhanteras.
  • Taurus (वृषभ): People born between 21st April and 20th May are of Taurus zodiac. The lord planet of this zodiac is Venus. Venus is an unsteady planet and Moon is the high of this sign. So, it is said that buying beauty products, perfumes, and silver is the perfect option for people born in their period, during Dhanteras.
  • Gemini (मिथुन): People born between 21st May and 20th June are of Gemini zodiac. The lord of this sign is Mercury. It is said that for Gemini people it is beneficial to invest in gold during Dhanteras. In addition to gold, they can even trade, buy or invest in brass, cloth, worship essentials, and musical instruments which would be beneficial for them.
  • Cancer (कर्क): People born between 21st June and 22nd July are of Cancer sign. The lord planet of Cancer is Moon. People born during this period are said to find success in business as well as a job. It is widely said that people with Cancer zodiac sign should buy silver, modern equipment, children’s toys and invest in finance companies to get more growth in their career and doing this during Dhanteras help reap these benefits.
  • Leo (सिंह): Sun is the lord planet of Leo sign and people who are born between 23rd July and 22nd August are considered of Leo sign. Investing in gold will reap huge benefits for these people especially during Dhanteras and in addition to that, some other options for people of Leo sign are perfumes and electronic items. People of Leo sign can also reap benefits if they invest in shares and real estate business on this day and it will be monetarily beneficial for them.
  • Virgo (कन्या): People born between 23rd of August and 22nd of September are said to be on Virgo sign. The lord planet of this sign is Mercury. For people of Virgo sign, it is widely said that the most beneficial option is investing in gold during Dhanteras for good wealth.
  • Libra (तुला): People born between 23rd September and 22nd October are said to be of Libra sign and just like Taurus, the ruling planet for Libras is Venus. Both Libra and Taurus sign people can buy the same things during Dhanteras as the ruling planet for both the signs is Venus. These people can buy beauty products, perfumes, and silver as these are the ideal choices for them.
  • Scorpio (वृश्चिक): People who are born between 23rd October and 22nd November are considered Scorpions and the lord planet for this zodiac is same as Aries which is Mars. These people can reap huge benefits if they investing or buy land, house, shop, farm, cement, gems, minerals, and medical equipment during Dhanteras.
  • Sagittarius (धनु): People born between 23rd November and 21st Demeber are said to be Sagittarius. The lord planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter which is a planet which is said to benefit traders. Trading and buying gold and jewellery, gems, and silver will benefit them if they buy it or invest in it especially during the auspicious day of Dhanteras.
  • Capricorn (मकर): People born between 22nd December and 19th January are considered Capricorns and the ruling planet for Capricorns is Saturn. These people will reap benefits from buying iron, steel, cable, oil of all types, food items, electronics goods, instruments, and minerals, especially during Dhanteras.
  • Aquarius (कुंभ): People who are born between 20th January and 19th Februrary are considered Aquarians. The lord planet for Aquarians is Saturn and one should understand it like Capricorns. People of this zodiac sign can invest their money in buying a thing made of metals such as iron, steel, or things like cable, oil of all types, food items, electronics goods, instruments, minerals, during Dhanteras.
  • Pisces(मीन): People born between 20th February and 20th March are considered of Pisces zodiac sign and the lord planet of Pisces is Jupiter and as mentioned above Jupiter is the planet which benefits traders. So Pisces and Sagittarius people can invest in items of gold and other materials such as jewellery, gems, and silver to reap benefits during the auspicious day of Dhnateras.

So with this we conclude of the items which are widely considered beneficial to be purchased during Dhanteras according to the Zodiac Signs. Having said this, these are no magic beans that you buy them and things would change overnight, remember, anything/ object can only aid you in achieving the desired result they cannot fetch the results for you.

PS: XplorinIndia does not take responsibility for the items, they are listed based on what generally is said in the Indian culture, for your personal satisfaction you must visit an astrologer.

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