A United States-based lab has recently unveiled a portable test which can tell if a person is Coronavirus infected or not in as little as 5 minutes, it said in a statement on Friday.
Abbott Laboratories said that the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already given it the emergency authorisation to start with making the test available to the healthcare providers as soon as the coming week.
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The test kit is the size of a small toaster and uses molecular technology to test for the virus which can also show the negative results in under 13 minutes said the company in a press statement.
Robert B Ford, President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Abbott Laboratories said, “The COVID-19 pandemic will be fought on multiple fronts, and a portable molecular test that offers results in minutes adds to the broad range of diagnostic solutions needed to combat this virus,”.
Ford added that the compact size of the test means that it can be deployed outside the “traditional four walls of a hospital in outbreak hotspots,”. He also said that the company is working closely with the FDA to send it to the worst hit places of the novel Coronavirus.
Though the test has not received the clearance from the FDA just yet, it has been authorised for emergency use only by the approved labs and healthcare providers said the company.
As of now, the US has become the new epicentre of the novel Coronavirus and the first country to have over 1 lakh cases of infections. Globally, the cases of Coronavirus has corssed 6 lakh mark and the virus have claimed lives of over 27,000 people.
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