The comic, who emerged from near oblivion to succeed Jon Stewart in 2015, plans to leave the flagship Comedy Central series following a seven-year run.
Noah transformed the show for a novel audience that prefers social media to cable and broadcast networks.
"I’ve loved trying to find a way to make people laugh, even when the stories are particularly shitty, even on the worst days,” he said.
Two persons with insight into the situation said that Noah made his plans known to the audience during the New York filming of the show on Thursday night.
It was unclear when he would actually step down or whether the Paramount Global cable network had started looking for a replacement.
As TV's late-night lineup has started to dwindle, Noah's plans to leave have come to light.
There are fewer competitors for Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Jimmy Kimmel, who continue to show every evening at roughly 11:30 p.m.
Noah compared the start of his journey to Charlie from the Chocolate Factory in some ways. He came for a tour of the previous show and was handed the keys.
“We are grateful to Trevor for our amazing partnership over the past seven years,” remarked Comedy Central.