Celebs Who Homeschool Their Children

XploringIndia - 27th June, 2022


Big Bang Theory fame, Mayim Bialik and her husband teach their kids at home.

Mayim Bialik


To ensure one on one attention while learning, the couple has hired a home school teacher for their daughter.

Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise


Singer J Lo also home schools her twins. The kids are joyous and well-adjusted.

Jennifer Lopez


The actress along with her ex-husband chose to home school the 6 children since they are from different parts of the world.

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt


The couple opted to home school their son, Jett, who passed away in 2009. Their daughter, Ella is also being taught at home.

John Travolta & Kelly Preston


The renowned pop star homeschooled his kids, Prince and Paris for the initial years. The youngest child, Blanket was also taught at home.

Michael Jackson


Lisa Welchel is yet another advocate of home schooling. She has also authored many books on the same. Her three children have been schooled at home.

Lisa Welchel


Emma Thompson's teenage daughter was withdrawn from college for being homeschooled. The 15 year old had complaints of not finding formal education enjoyable.

Emma Thompson


Richard Williams homeschooled his daughters to ensure sufficient time for them to practice athletics. They were taught at home up to high school.

Richard Williams


Gwenyth and Chris made it to the headlines in 2011for having advertised for a tutor to teach their kids for $100K.

Gwenyth Paltrow & Chris Martin