Rubina is a fan of aerial workouts and focuses on moves that specifically target the core.
Rubina is passionate about yoga and prefers having a good yoga practice outdoors which, she believes. is the ultimate key to fitness.
Rubina makes sure to incorporate stretching to her daily routine to improve flexibility
The diva spends a lot of time playing sports like volleyball to maintain agility and strengthen muscles.
Rubina and her husband, Abhinav engage in couple-workout sessions to beat the workout boredom and spice things up.
Rubina loves to explore nature and goes on frequent trekking trips with her family. Now we know the secret behind those toned leg muscles.
Rubina swears by Surya namaskars that not only help her build endurance but also relieve back pain.
Water baby Rubina loves to go for a swim occasionally which not only helps with relaxation but also works wonders on the joints of the body.